YouTube video embedding in reStructuredText

The reStructuredText markup language is used in a variety of ways, including as a documentation format for Python applications and a general markup language for web content, in the same vein as Textile or Markdown. It’s also extensible in Python: by adding new functions as “directives” to the doctools module, you can implement new commands. In this article, I’ll show you how to implement a youtube directive so that a line like the following in your reStructured Text file will become an embedded YouTube video when it’s rendered to HTML:

.. youtube:: <video-id>

The outline of what we’re going to do is simple: create a youtube function that returns a document node list, then register this function with docutils directives list. (By the way, I’m using the XHTML-valid approach that uses only an object element, not embed.) The specifics are a little more involved. The following code listing shows how I did it:

from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives

CODE = """\
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
    <param name="movie" value=""></param>
    <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param>%(extra)s

PARAM = """\n    <param name="%s" value="%s"></param>"""

def youtube(name, args, options, content, lineno,
            contentOffset, blockText, state, stateMachine):
    """ Restructured text extension for inserting youtube embedded videos """
    if len(content) == 0:
    string_vars = {
        'yid': content[0],
        'width': 425,
        'height': 344,
        'extra': ''
    extra_args = content[1:] # Because content[0] is ID
    extra_args = [ea.strip().split("=") for ea in extra_args] # key=value
    extra_args = [ea for ea in extra_args if len(ea) == 2] # drop bad lines
    extra_args = dict(extra_args)
    if 'width' in extra_args:
        string_vars['width'] = extra_args.pop('width')
    if 'height' in extra_args:
        string_vars['height'] = extra_args.pop('height')
    if extra_args:
        params = [PARAM % (key, extra_args[key]) for key in extra_args]
        string_vars['extra'] = "".join(params)
    return [nodes.raw('', CODE % (string_vars), format='html')]
youtube.content = True
directives.register_directive('youtube', youtube)

Much of this code is unnecessary if you only want to implement the single-line version of the command I used above. But this code also allows you to customize the width and height and add other param elements:

.. youtube:: asdfjkl

Quick code walk-through

  1. The argument signature of the youtube function is the same as you would use for any directive of this type (i.e. a block directive, as opposed to something inserted into running text.)

  2. The only argument actually used here is content, which would contain everything from asdfjkl through 400 in the above example.

  3. content is a list of lines.

  4. The code involving extra_args simply splits each line after the first on the equals sign and makes a dictionary out of the (key, value) pairs, treating width and height specially.

  5. The return value is a list of nodes. The nodes.raw function used to create the (single) node here takes three parameters: the raw source for the element, which is not really used in this case and can be left blank; the string to output; and the format, which in this case is HTML.

How to render

If you’re using reStructured Text seriously on your web site, your content management system probably already has a renderer for it. But just in case, here’s how to render it to HTML manually:

source = """\
This is some text.

.. youtube:: 2A2XBoxtcUA

This is some more text.

from docutils.core import publish_parts

doc_parts = publish_parts(source,
    settings_overrides={'output_encoding': 'utf8',
                        'initial_header_level': 2},

print doc_parts['html_body']

The initial_header_level override is useful if you want your section headings to start as h2 elements, rather than h1 elements. On this site, I store the title attribute of each article separately from the body, and render it as a h1 element separately. The reStructuredText documents begin with body text. If you place the title of your documents in reStructuredText, you will still need to use the initial_header_level setting, because the default doctools behavior is to use h1 elements for both the title and the top-level section headings.

And that’s it. Now embedding videos is a one-line statement, and you can make other helpful extensions using the same technique.

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